In 2018, only 5% of youth age 5-18 were meeting the federally recommended amount of exercise. This is critical to a variety of health, education, social, and financial benefits. Organized sports help to improve cognitive skills, bolster academic achievement, reduce major health risks, and drive leadership skills and positive self-esteem. Active kids just do better in life.

With the number of kids playing sports on a constant decline, especially in lower-income youth, this public health concern must come to a head. Our organization subsidizes the costs of local and regional recreation programs including various summer camps, before and after-school programs, and youth sports leagues.

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020

Aspen Institute: Project Play 2020



  • Increases self-esteem

  • Encourages goal-setting habits

  • Develops leadership skills

  • Less likely to smoke, suffer from loneliness and low self-esteem

  • Promotes strong mental health

  • Minimizes symptoms of anxiety

  • Counteracts depression in teens and adults; is often more effective than antidepressants

    • For a personal story about the impact that fitness had on one Virginia woman, visit our blog.

  • Decreases rates= of teen pregnancy


  • Organized sports help improve cognitive skills

  • Improved academic achievement (grades and test scores)

  • Enhanced concentration, attention, and classroom behavior

  • High school athletes are more likely than non-athletes to attend college



  • Controls weight and reduces obesity

  • Prevents high blood pressure

  • Reduces risk of more than 13 types of cancer

  • Helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints


  • Getting people active could save the global economy nearly $68B annually in medical costs and productivity. US alone - save $28B

  • Moving just 30 minutes, 5x a week could leave folks with an extra $2500+ in their pockets

  • Survey of 400 female corporate execs found 94% played a sport and 61% say sports contributed to their career success (EY Women Athletes Business Network/espnW, 2014).

  • Exercise is one of the least expensive ways to stay healthy